Mr. Mamoru KATAOKA, Restrante alporto

To be an industrial designer, but he fails the exam of Arts University. he believed an invitation “to become a cook, and to come in Milan” of Mr. Kanakura who was a diplomat, he studied it at a restaurant for 3 months and went over to Italy with Mr. Kanakura at 20 years old youth. He studied Italian food there while to work with the title of the cook of the consul general for 5 years until 25 years old. After came back to Japan, after he studied it at “Ogawaken” again, he opened “Mariee” which an owner was Mr. Igarashi of the tenor. For 6 years, he accomplished the great achievement to be completely full daily; he became independent at the 34 years old. He opened RISTORANTE “AL Porto”. It goes without saying that he is the leading person of the Italian food in Japan.


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