Mr. Shunichiro Seki, FUNGO Inc.

Born in Suwa-shi, Nagano. Father of the office worker and mother who served as the director of the art museum. The eldest sons of four families, there is a younger brother under 2 years old. There was an opportunity to have gone to watch a Wadaiko drum when he was the junior high school student and devoted to the Wadaiko drum, he has gone to the overseas performance in his high school days. He entered the University of California; he has spent abroad for about 6 years. Based on the sandwich which he ate abroad, he opened a sandwich store in Japan. the data collection of media rushed before opening, he achieved record sales of daily amount 650000 yen at 1600 yen of customer transaction from the first date. It achieved a vivid debut. At the present <2011.5>, FUNGO inc. develops a flagship shop of , and . It offers the stage of the living.


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