The youngest son of 4 brothers. he wanted to be a pilot at 15 years old, entered the Self-Defense Forces, but he had trouble of eyes in an accident and gave up the way of the pilot. He learned by the correspondence education of the Chuo University law department, he tried to the bar examination. Afterwards, he was independent through fishing company. In 1979, he established “Kiyomura”. In 1985, he made company “Kiyomura” incorporation. He launched much business; he opened the very popular store “Sushizanmai” main store in 2001. As of May, 2010, it manages such as the import, the production wholesale, fisheries food business that sells of the ingredients which did including fishery products in Maine, a sushi section is 32 stores as “Sushizanmai” in Tokyo and the fish dealers. On the other hand, he runs sushi school “Kiyomura School” bringing up a next-generation sushi chef.
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