Mr. Michio Akimoto, Wondertable, Ltd.

Born in Soka-shi Saitama. He is second son of farmers who takes over 15 generations, has an older brother and sister. After graduated from Nihon University Daiichi high school, he entered Meikai University. In university student days, I experienced a part-time job in “PRONTO” (the first shop) of the subsidiary of Suntory. There was the relationship and joined in “MY PLANNING & OPERATORS INC.” of the same Suntory investment. He was good at a plan, produce and the service power training and he supported many restaurants and made a figure. In 1997, he changed his job to “FUJIKISEN CO., LTD.” that was a client. With a Yoshitaka Hayashi (the present chairperson) who was a managing director in those days, he promoted reform of the business. “FUJIKISEN CO., LTD.” changed a company name of it to “Wonder table Ltd.” in 2000 and was delisted in 2010. At the present, he invites a lot of overseas excellent brand including of “mo-mo paradise”, such as “Lawry’s The Prime Rib”, “BARBACOA”. It has a lot of popular stores that is hard to make a reservation.


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