Mr. Takashi Iguchi, Excite Co.,Ltd.

He was born in Sapporo. He moved to Tokyo at 2 years old. He stayed in Osaka from first grade in elementary until the first year in junior high school. After he went back to Sapporo again, he went to Tokyo to enter the university in Tokyo. He advanced from the present Tokyo University of Marine Science and Technology to the graduate school of same University, and he found his job in JGC CORPORATION as an engineer. He did the work that was conscious of the world, and resided at Indonesia. At 31 years old, he came back to Japan. He looked for flotation for to pursue business freehand without being tied to the limit the company. He met Mr. Seiji Ishii who was the founders of “tsubohachi”, developing “happyakuyacho” at that time, he stared the business consignment of “himonoya”. The fight for a full-fledged flotation buying by 100 million yen started.


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